Saturday, August 22, 2009

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Made acquainted with it. The Vidame of Chartres when a hostage in England during the reign of Edward VI. was permitted to travel into Scotland and penetrated as far as to the remote Highlands (au fin fond des Sauvages). After a great hunting-party at which a most wonderful quantity of game was destroyed he saw these Scottish savages devour a part of their venison raw without any farther preparation than compressing it between two batons of wood so as to force out the blood and render it extremely hard. This they reckoned a great delicacy; and when the Vidame partook of it his compliance with their taste rendered him extremely popular. This curious trait of manners was communicated by Mons. de Montmorency a great friend of the Vidame to Brantome by whom it is recorded in Vies des Hommes Illustres lxxxix. 14. . . . After all it may be doubted whether la.
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